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Test1 Automatic Soldering machine Questions with answers

 Q1. Which of the following case soldering nozzle is block?

(a) Laser center is not correct

(b) Module lift up before soldering

(c) Ball center is not correct

(d) None of these

Ans (b)

Q2. Which switch used to move socket at CCD position

(a) Positioning camera

(b) Positioning location

(c) Move

(d) All of the above  

Ans (a)

Q3. How many levels ball need to fill in soldering? 

(a) Half

(b) Full

(c) Semi half

(d) none of these

Ans (a)

Q4. What metal is the solder ball made of 

(a) iron

(b) tin

(c) Both A and B

(d) None of these

Ans  (b)

Q5. what should we do, if jig did not sense by left and right station?

(a) Check jig is placed flat

(b) Check proximity sensor of the center fixture is loose or offset 

(c) Check jig and press emergency 

(d) All of the above

Ans (a)

Q6. What we have to do if computer screen shows us image timeout.

(a) Press emergency

(b) Restart the CCD positioning camera

(c) Press home switch

(d) Power off/ power on

Ans (b)

Q7. What is the meaning of number 2 box at time of soldering process on HMI screen?

(a) Module is there

(b) Module pin not detected

(c) Soldering is done

(d) All of the above

Ans (b)

Q8. The following picture parameter means

Red light show in HMI screen on laser clean interface 

(a) Module pin soldering done

(b) LSU has tin ball

(c) Ball is blocked

(d) None of these

Ans (b)

Q9. Why we need to do laser center in soldering machine

(a) Melt ball perfectly

(b) Make align laser on top of ball

(c) Melt in less time

(d) All of the above

Ans (a)

Q10. What is the use of proximity sensor that placed on socket (center fixture) of left and right station?

(a) Sense distance of jig

(b) Sense jig is placed flat

(c) Sense contact

(d) Sense height

Ans (b)

Q11. Why we use nitrogen in automatic soldering

(a) For better wetting

(b) For less heat

(c) Both A and B

(d) None of these

Ans (c)

Q12. Which one is soldering defect from given below

(a) Bulbous joint

(b) Cracked joint

(c) Both A and B

(d) None of these  

Ans (c)

 Q13. What would you do with module when machine did not sense solder pin of one module

(a) Do hand soldering

(b) Check module pin

(c) Try to make it module pin correctly 

(d) Both B and C

Ans (c)

Q14. why we use CCD 

(a) Take picture

(b) Recognize module pin

(c) To look good

(d) All of the above

Ans (c)

Q15. What are the main two main reason for imperfect soldering

(a) Misalignment of laser center

(b) Jig is not perfect

(c) Both A and B

(d) None of these

Ans (c)

Q16. What we have to do if extra glue module is not fit in fixture

(a) Reject module

(b) Pass module 

(c) Remove extra glue of module

(d) Not need to remove glue

Ans (c)

Q17. Why we make PR for

(a) Take picture

(b) Pattern recognize

(c) Ball center

(d) All of the above

Ans (b)

Q18. Why we use ball as instead of solder wire in automatic solder machine

(a) To reduce cost

(b) Increase life time of module

(c) Better soldering

(d) specific amount of ball area

Ans (d)

Q19. why we not prefer hand soldering

(a) Hand soldering not possible is some module

(b) Due to high cost

(c) Due time consuming

(d) Both A and B

Ans (c)

Q20. which point used to adjust laser center

(a) 1 and 2

(b) 4 and 3

(c) 2 and 3

(d) 4 and 1

Ans (b)


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