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Question 1. The reading tA and tB of two centigrade scale thermometers A and B graded at ice point 0°C and steam point 100°C are related by the equation tA=l +mtB+n(tB)², where l, m,n are constants. When both are immersed in oil then thermometer A reads 51°C and thermometer B reads 50 °C. determine the reading on thermometer A when thermometer B reads 25°C? Comment on the question "which thermometer is correct".

Thermodynamics Question solution, Chapter1 Zeroth law of thermodynamics. Question 1. The reading tA and tB of two centigrade scale thermometers A and B graded at ice point 0°C and steam point 100°C are related by the equation tA=l +mtB+n(tB)², where l, m,n are constants. When both are immersed in oil then thermometer A reads 51°C and thermometer B reads 50 °C. determine the reading on thermometer A when thermometer B reads 25°C? Comment on the question "which thermometer is correct". Ans- tA=l+mtB+n(tB)² According to question tA=tB=0°C tA=l+mtB+n(tB)² 0=l+0+0 l=0 Second step tA=tB=100°C tA=l+mtB+n(tB)² 100=0+m×100+n(100)² m+100n=1             ----------------------------(1) For tA=51°C tB=50°C tA=l+mtB+n(tB)² 51=0+M50+n(50)² -----------------------------(2) Now using equation (1) and (2) find m&n 50m+2500n=51 50m+5000n=50 -        -             - ________________ 0      -2500n=1                  n=-1/2500 Put value of 'n' in equati

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 THERMODYNAMICS  Chapter 1. ZEROTH LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS Question2. A new temperature scale N is to be defined. The boiling and freezing points of water on this scale are 100°N amd 400°N respectively. Then (a) what will be the reading on the new scale corresponding to 60°C? (b) At what temperature both the Celsius and new temperature scale reading would be same? Sol: ts= boiling temperature  ti= ice temperature  tc=corresponding temperature   scale reading:         boiling temperature    corresponding          freezing temperature  new scale                             100°N                       x°N                            400°N Celsius scale                         100°C                       60°C                           0°C Celsius scale = new scale ts - ti/ts - tc     =  ts - ti/ts - tc   100 - 0/100 - 60 = 100°N - 400°N/100°N - X°C 100/40 = -300°N/100°N - X°N 100°N - X°N = -120°N    X = 220°N (b)  both Celsius and new temperature scale value same at 100°

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